model info
We're always looking to find enthusiastic models!
Stock photography is a form of print advertising. Photos we take go into a database at a stock photo agency, where buyers go when they need images for ads/packaging/websites, etc. It means we don't know exactly what client or end-use we're shooting for when we shoot.
Some agencies that represent our work are: Blend Images, Getty Images, and Tetra Images.
We're looking for men, women, children, actors, models, couples, families of all kinds...ANYone interested!
I'm not a head-shot photographer, but if you're interested in 30-40 energetic commercial shots to use on a comp card, book, or personal use, this is a perfect opportunity. You get all the selects from the shoot.
In addition to selects, we pay an hourly fee, depending on the time, length, and location of the shoot. Shoots typically last for a minimum of 3 hours on locations in and around NYC. Before we start shooting, we ask you to fill out a standard model release.
We're here to have fun, so we like to keep the shoots low-key and casual. The crew is typically just 1 or 2 people and me.